Kalev Spa – Your brand new tradition!

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Parties and seminars

Parties and seminars

VIP sauna

You can use Kalev Spa’s VIP sauna however you want to! Perhaps you’d like a little more privacy while you’re at the water park to chat to your friends while enjoying the steam and heat? Our VIP sauna awaits! Perhaps you’d like to spend a little time in the evening with friends ahead of a bigger party later that night? Then our VIP sauna is all yours! Perhaps you’re looking for a space to use during the day for a seminar or training session but want to add something special to it? Welcome to our VIP sauna!

VIP Friends package

Vana-Kreeka filosoof Sokrates oli veendumusel, et ilma sõpruseta pole inimestevahelisel suhtlemisel mingit väärtust. Jagame seda põhimõtet ja leiame, et aeg sõpradega on oluline ning väärtuslik investeering.

NEW! VIP sauna package no. 1: HOOKED ON CLASSICS

“The good old days” is a nostalgic phrase many people use when talking about a party they once went to or something they enjoyed. So why not get a group of friends together for a party you’ll remember in the years to come? This package combines the best traditions of the steam sauna with a classic sauna tipple and nostalgic snacks.

 NEW! VIP sauna package no. 2: IT’S PARTY TIME!

Get your groove on – it’s time to party! Sometimes all you want to do is turn the music up, fill your glasses, grab your friends and forget everything while you chat and dance. So why not add ‘spending time together in the Kalev Spa private sauna’ to that list? We all deserve to let ourselves go from time to time!

 NEW! VIP sauna package no. 3: SWEET TEMPTATION

Women have been getting together, chatting away and reinforcing the ties of sisterhood between them for thousands of years. Fun time spent together creates an amazing sense of closeness and recharges your batteries. All so you can be the best version of you!